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Hygiene Supervision and Inspection of imported Food

(1)  Inspection of Import Food
Under Article 62 of the Food Safety Law of the People?ˉs Republic of China which came into force on 1 June 2009, all import food, food additives and food-related products should meet the food safety standards of China. Import food should pass the examination of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities which will issue a clearance certificate for customs clearance.
Under Article 63 of the Food Safety Law, importers of food not covered by any national food safety standards, new types of food additives imported for the first time, or new types of food-related products should submit an application for import with related safety appraisal documents to the health administrative department of the State Council, which will decide if permission for import should be granted under Article 44 of the Food Safety Law, and will draw up corresponding national food safety standards in a timely manner.

(2)  Registration of overseas producers of import food
Under Article 65 of the Food Safety Law, overseas producers of food for export to China should complete a registration process with China?ˉs entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities.
In accordance with the Administrative Regulations on Registration of Overseas Producers of Import food which came into force on 1 May 2012, AQSIQ has drawn up, revised and promulgated the Catalogue for the Registration of Overseas Producers of Import Food. The import food mainly refers to meat, aquatic products and dairy products. Overseas enterprises engaged in the production, processing and storage of food covered by the Catalogue should complete the registration process before their products can be imported into China. Overseas food producers can file an application with AQSIQ through their local food hygiene authorities. Enterprises meeting all the requirements will be registered and included in the List of Countries and Enterprises Approved for Exporting to China with a specific registration number issued by AQSIQ.

(3)  Registration of overseas exporters or agents of import food
Under Article 65 of the Food Safety Law, overseas exporters and agents of food for export to China should file a record with the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities.

(4)  Export food producer filing system
According to the Regulations on Filing Administration of Export Food Producers which came into force on 1 October 2011, the export food producer filing system that came into operation on 1 October 2011 is applicable to all enterprises engaged in the production of export food within the territory of China. These enterprises should set up and ensure the effective implementation of a food safety and hygiene control system. The system should focus on risk analysis and preventive control measures with a view to ensuring that the production, processing and storage processes of export food are always in compliance with the related statutory requirements of China, the legal requirements of the importing country (or region), and the safety and hygiene requirements for export food producers. In making the filing application, the export food producers should provide all the related food production licences and other administrative permits as appropriate. The local entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities under AQSIQ are responsible for the filing, supervision and inspection of the export food producers within their jurisdiction, and for the issue of the Export Food Producer Filing Certificate to producers complying with all the filing requirements.

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Important Note
Due to the reorganization of the Chinese government in 2018,
CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) was renamed to NMPA (National Medical Product Administration), and its food supervision function has been transferred to SAMR (State Administration for Market Regulation of China);
GACC (General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China) was abolished, and its import and export trade supervision function has been transferred to GACC (General Administration of Customs of China),
Therefore, all
CFDA and SFDA on this website default to NMPA, GACC defaults to GACC; 
Our Service Items
CFDA CFDA Registration for Cosmetics, Health Food, Infant Formula, FSMP , Medical Device, IVD,Drug etc.
GACC GACC Registration for  Foreign Food Facility and Exporter
CNCA CNCA Registration for Foreign Dairy, Meat, Aquatic Foods Facility
CIQ CIQ Inspection & filing for Foods & Cosmetics Chinese Labeling, Batteries & Coatings Product etc.
MOA CNCA Registration for Foreign Animal Feed, Dog, Cat Food, GMO etc.
MOH MOH Registration for Disinfectant, New Food & Cosmetic Ingredient
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Imported Commodity China Regulatory Compliance Review & Consulting
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